Thursday, July 12, 2007

Our Dog Run Friend

The last couple of days I've heard 2 birds making a lot of noise talking to each other.. or at least I think that's what they've been doing. I finally remembered to take my camera with me when I took my 4 legged daughter out for her morning walk. Just before getting to the dog park, a hawk flew over us, circled and landed in a tree near us. Once we got inside the dog park and Tressy was running free, the hawk flew over and sat on a limb near the fence and watched us. Once in a while it would squawk at us but watched our every move. I was able to stand just below it and take pictures. If we moved too far away it would fly to another tree to be closer to us and watch what we were doing. Now I need to find out what kind of hawk this is.. and if male or female. Then come up with a nickname for it.

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